Dario Cabanelas didn't make the same mistakes in the second Qualifying session, finishing 8th. In Race 1, the Swiss driver got off to an excellent start and quickly climbed up the order."As we had expected with the MP Motorsport team, the fastest times were set at the end of the session and I managed to be quick in the final laps," said Dario. "Unfortunately, the Red Bull Ring is a circuit where you often overshoot the limits of the track and that's what happened to me, as it has to many other drivers, so the race direction cancelled several of my best times. So instead of ending up 5th, I had to settle for 14th".
As for Race 2, it brought back another point for Dario, that of the fastest lap, proof once again of his ability to be fast and of his potential to fight for the podium in the forthcoming events."I even found myself fighting for 8th place after several overtakes. With the strategy I chose, saving a set of new tyres for Race 2, the last few laps of Race 1 were a little difficult, but I managed to salvage a point for 10th place, which enabled me to climb onto the top step of the Rookies podium."
Although he will have the handicap of learning the Portimao track at the next Eurocup-3 event, Dario Cabanelas will have revenge to take from 7th to 9th June in the south of Portugal. This time, he will need to avoid the slight mistakes that can often have serious consequences, and aim for a podium finish overall, which he is keen to dedicate to his partners and supporters."Like the rest of the weekend, Race 2 will remain frustrating, because it started with a problem with the clutch, which resulted in a jumped start penalty. It didn't do me any favours though, as I lost three places from the first corner, but the stewards felt that my car shouldn't move before the lights went out. After that, I overtook several cars and crossed the finish line in 7th position, before falling back to 16th because of a penalty."