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Moto - Diversos


Segunda, 21 Maio 2018 06:40 | Actualizado em Sexta, 17 Janeiro 2025 20:06

Report Wunderlich Anfahrt 2018

Relaxed motorcycle meeting with an interesting supporting programme

Report Wunderlich Anfahrt 2018

) Over the last weekend in April, Wunderlich celebrated its traditional season launch for 2018. Around 4,500 visitors and guests came along to the premises of the Sinzig-based accessories specialist. They came from all over Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium. Up until the rainy Sunday morning, the sun was shining in a slightly overcast sky, and the temperature was a pleasant 21°C, all of which made for a relaxed celebration with an interesting and entertaining supporting programme.

Wunderlich offered a diverse programme: Guests had the opportunity to get to know all of the aspects of the company. During multiple tours, they had the rare opportunity to take a peek behind the scenes of the development department, to look over the shoulders of the developers and engineers and to exchange thoughts and ideas with them. Under the name Boxer Spirit, Wunderlich presented its R nineT and twin-valve Boxer conversions and the Wunderlich components available for personal customisation. [...]

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